thanks, reikiblogger, for including my post relax in saturday’s carnival of healing. among the other carnival participants, i really resonated with debra moorhead’s what gardening has taught me about life.
she finds “gardening to be as good as meditation, but more delicious!” yes! whenever i’m at my wit’s end, i can always go into the garden, pluck a few weeds, see how the irises are doing, make sure there are no aphids on the roses. or just be there.
debra gives us a long list things that gardening has taught her. the 9 that really stood out to me were these:
- prepare the garden site with a good tilling. everything grows better in loose soil, so shake things up a bit. every once
in a while, “till” your mind, body, and spirit.
- it can take years to develop a good system. (my comment: i remember when i first started gardening it seemed like i would never get anywhere. today, my garden is one of my greatest sources of joy and pride)
- be careful who you take advice from. not everyone who claims to be an expert knows what they’re talking about.
- watering saves a world of hurt. your body needs water as well. most of us don’t realize it until we’re thirsty, which most physicians agree, is usually at our dehydration point. so give yourself and your garden a good watering every day.
- treat each plant the way it wants to be treated. (my comment: that includes the tender plant that is you).
- ask for help when you need it. most of us need a little support every once in a while. the heavier our load, the more support we need. (my comment: imagine hauling loads and loads of dirt from one end of the garden to another. doesn’t life feel like that sometimes? how much easier to have someone share that load.)
- sometimes, you just have to scrap the whole thing and start over.
- death always gives way to life. as the leaves fall off the trees, i have them spread onto the fall garden. in the spring, the leaves make the tilling a lot easier, the soil richer, and the plants healthier. it’s all just one gigantic circle of life.
to enjoy the full fruit of debra’s post, go here.
isabella mori
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