marc pointed this video out to me. he rightly figured that this would be an ideal thing for me to watch. science and mystical experiences are not mutually exclusive. enjoy! and if you’d like to hear and interview with her, go here.
Month: March 2008
comment aspirations
i love all your comments, people! one of the things i had hoped for in my goals for this year was to have more conversations on this blog, and i think that’s happening. thank you so much! so with this in mind, i thought it’s time to throw together some comment guidelines. not because there… Continue reading comment aspirations
a buddhist carnival – march 2008
hello friends, and welcome to the march edition of the buddhist carnival. free tibet this is written while monks in tibet are asking/fighting/praying/protesting for a tibet that is free from occupation. after all, when we do metta, we say, “may all beings be happy, may all beings be healthy, may all beings be free.” danny… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – march 2008
frozen pea friday: a survivor tells her story
for a few weeks now, either here or on another blog, every friday i post something about cancer. as those of you who stop by here frequently, this is something started by susan reynolds and the people around her. in december, susan reynolds was diagnosed with breast cancer. now she’s become an activist. in her… Continue reading frozen pea friday: a survivor tells her story
commenting is writing, too
once a while i like to share with you which blogs i’m reading and commenting on. sometimes it seems i spend way more time writing comments on others’ blogs than writing my own posts. so here you have a little taste of my blogospheric meanderings in the last few days: i can’t believe i overlooked… Continue reading commenting is writing, too
wordless wednesday morning
(image by jim dollar)
two views of depression
the other day, marc challenged me with this idea: can depression, or any other challenge such as alcoholism or bipolar disorder, be an entity of its own, with its own agenda and will to survive? i’ve been familiar with this concept for quite a while but it’s never really grabbed me. that’s why i’m grateful… Continue reading two views of depression
chaos and creativity
jeremy and i are having a cross-blog conversation about creativity. it all started with an article by jeremy that investigated the difficulty with explaining much of the creative process. my thoughts were that important aspects of creativity happen in “murky” places of the mind because it may just be in this very obscurity that new… Continue reading chaos and creativity
carnival of eating disorders #14 – part 2
this is part 2 of the 14th carnival of eating disorders. part 1 contained posts about anorexia, bulima and general eating disorder topics. part 2 features articles on obesity and overeating and also has a list of further posts that were submitted to this carnival. GNIF brain blogger discusses two new research studies on the… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #14 – part 2
international women’s day: misbehaving women
it’s international women’s day week and this is my blog from the misbehaving women event, a fundraiser for the avalon women’s centre, organized by zoey ryan. 5:50 i’m sitting here at the heritage hall with glenda watson-hyatt and her husband darrell. unfortunately, they cannot partake of the wonderful spread here because they’ve been assaulted by… Continue reading international women’s day: misbehaving women