frozen pea friday post: health and poverty

in last week’s frozen pea friday post – the weekly post about people dealing with cancer, inspired by susan reynolds and my friends who are dealing with cancer – we alluded to the difficulty of paying for the necessary care needed for people living with cancer. this immediately led me to thinking about the connection… Continue reading frozen pea friday post: health and poverty

rich! richer! richest!

and today, just for the fun of it, because good ol’ john chow sent me there, here is a look into the crystal ball. try it yourself! 18,170,695how much money will you be worth?

family and money

the other day, nancy asked an interesting question in her saturday case study: jeff and his two siblings, a brother and sister, each inherited a sizeable legacy when their parents died. jeff was conservative, and grew his legacy into an even more significant nest egg and is now independently wealthy. he came to me because… Continue reading family and money