the dalai lama in vancouver

last week i had the pleasure again to see the dalai lama. the topic of the talk was women and peacebuilding. i’d like to share with you my notes, taken down as closely as possible in his delightful language. this is the third time i’ve seen the dalai lama. one of the things that i… Continue reading the dalai lama in vancouver

sunday inspiration: peace for afghanistan

here is a beautiful prayer, sent by my mennonite friends who work in afghanistan. even though the elections are over, it still very much applies. for the people of afghanistan god of love and life, we pray for the people of afghanistan during this election time. may your peace descend upon them and upon their… Continue reading sunday inspiration: peace for afghanistan

twitter peace, shalom, salaam, and the salvation army

at the end of my day, i often ask myself, what was the theme for today? on this day, january 11, it was peace. with all the things that are happening in gaza right now, it was sad. and yet it was good. i am so grateful for all the good friends here on twitter… Continue reading twitter peace, shalom, salaam, and the salvation army

thanksgiving, peace, metta

“may there be peace” – what a strange and faraway thing to say about mumbai in the middle of this destructive chaos. and yet. may there be peace. may there be peace in iraq. peace like i have among my friends, peace i am grateful for. may there be peace in the congo. peace like… Continue reading thanksgiving, peace, metta

heroes of healing: thich nhat hanh

this is my contribution to jennifer mannion’s heroes of healing project. it’s a project where bloggers write about people who put helping others ahead of whatever might come in the way. the people on this list have gone against the norm and had to put mainstream thinking aside to get their message across. they have… Continue reading heroes of healing: thich nhat hanh

one web day: democracy and open source

today is onewebday. from their site: onewebday is an earth day for the internet. the idea behind onewebday is to focus attention on a key internet value (this year, online participation in democracy), focus attention on local internet concerns (connectivity, censorship, individual skills), and create a global constituency that cares about protecting and defending the… Continue reading one web day: democracy and open source

international day of peace

somehow i missed that today is the international day of peace.  i’m about to go to bed but want to at least pay some hommage to it; thanks to clark’s picks to remind me!  he has a video on his blog of peter, paul and mary singing “there but for fortune“.  it’s a song i… Continue reading international day of peace

september 11 – the happiest day of my life

“what was the happiest day of your life?” this question comes up, sometimes. until seven years ago, it was “september 11, 1973.” that was the day my oldest child was born. it was the least pleasant of my three births, what with me an unwed teenage mother in a hopelessly old-fashioned veteran’s hospital in munich,… Continue reading september 11 – the happiest day of my life

a global community celebrates earth day

a friend of mine sent me this for earth day: * think of no-one as ‘them’ * don’t confuse your comfort with your safety * talk to strangers * imagine other cultures through their poetry and novels * listen to music you don’t understand * act locally * notice the workings of power & privilege… Continue reading a global community celebrates earth day