last week, the british columbia government (the one that pumps millions and millions of dollars into the 2-week olympics next year) made cuts “changes” to the budgets of about 90 (ninety!) health agencies in the vancouver coastal health region alone. the changes cuts will mean no harm to services, says minister kevin falcon. it’s hard… Continue reading how many suicides are ok, mr. minister?
Tag: politicians
the dalai lama in vancouver
last week i had the pleasure again to see the dalai lama. the topic of the talk was women and peacebuilding. i’d like to share with you my notes, taken down as closely as possible in his delightful language. this is the third time i’ve seen the dalai lama. one of the things that i… Continue reading the dalai lama in vancouver
owning our emotions
friday’s child wrote a post a little while ago – i can’t find it again for the life of me – chuckling about a list of things that we are supposed to be embarrassed about. something like having your zipper down in public, if i remember correctly, is supposed to make you all mortified. i… Continue reading owning our emotions