this is another guest post by sarah luczaj, a british therapist and writer, living in poland. she runs an online therapy practice at and has a poetry chapbook, “an urgent request” coming soon from fortunate daughter press, an imprint of tebot bach. sarah is a freequent commenter on this blog, and a propos poetry… Continue reading the lyric self
Tag: authenticity
living authentically
my friend evan has just launched a new project, living authentically. authenticity has long been an important topic for him, and i’m looking forward to seeing how he goes even deeper into it. here’s a bit about the project: the book the living authentically book i wrote with my partner. it is a guide to… Continue reading living authentically
body, mind, earth
today you can fin me at evan’s blog, where i was given the great opportunity to write about a clean body and mind on a clean earth. i’m grateful for the opportunity; it has focused my mind a bit on the topic of non-duality. basically, the premise is that in order to truly live in… Continue reading body, mind, earth