about words

word again – the broken word; deep in the stomach it sits and is afraid: so little has it been out in the open, and it will look shabby and disoriented when it surfaces. it creeps up into brain, eyes and hands and makes the passages tremble, stirs the memory of tears behind the eyes,… Continue reading about words

brokeback mountain

yesterday mindemoya and i finally went to see brokeback mountain. of course, it’s been absolutely impossible not to hear about the movie, and of course everyone thinks it’s great. so my expectations were positive but a bit on the lukewarm side. it seemed that i was supposed to like it, which doesn’t really incline me… Continue reading brokeback mountain

poetry therapy pt 2 and the removal of blinders

yesterday i said i was going to talk more about playing with the poetry therapy process. the poem about my grandfather happened following a prompt in the national association for poetry therapy newsletter which went like this Choose one of your grandparents and write a poem honoring how you were influenced by this relative, living… Continue reading poetry therapy pt 2 and the removal of blinders

good night & good luck – buddhism & standing up for things

my daughter and i just went to see good night and good luck, george clooney’s movie about the mccarthy era. apart from the fact that it is a marvelous movie – great camera and great acting – the story made me think about something that has been on my mind quite a bit lately. in… Continue reading good night & good luck – buddhism & standing up for things