anorexia and sex survey: results, part 2

this is part 2 of my preliminary report on the “anorexia and sex” survey. i’m trying to figure out what internet surfers find so fascinating about looking at pictures of nude or scantily clad anorexic women. as i said earlier, this is not a scientific study. however, it could probably serve as an exploration for… Continue reading anorexia and sex survey: results, part 2

anorexia and sex survey: results are in

what’s the fascination with pictures of anorexic women? last december, i wondered aloud about that and put together a little survey. it was inspired by detecting that vastly more internet surfers google words like “anorexic nudes” than words that would indicate that anorexia is something that needs to be treated. not surprisingly, that post in… Continue reading anorexia and sex survey: results are in

what’s your learning edge?

when i first received david’s invitation to participate in the meme with the name “what’s your learning edge?“, i thought, “oh, but i am constantly learning. i live and breathe learning!” and in a way, that’s true. i’m forever ferreting out new information, looking at things from a new perspective, and i always have a… Continue reading what’s your learning edge?


found this on nayeli’s stumbleupon blog. 1. 75% of americans are chronically dehydrated. (likely applies to half the world population.) 2. in 37% of americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. 3. even mild dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3%. 4. one glass of… Continue reading water

meditation stinks!

good headline, huh? i think it’s better than yahoo’s: “meditation won’t boost health: study” but basically i’ve done the same as yahoo: quickly scan an article, then write a pithy headline. does it reflect what actually happened? welllll …. when you take the time to read the yahoo article, you see that the researchers say… Continue reading meditation stinks!

it’s hard to change a decision habit

in 2004, tilmann betsch, a german psychologist, and his colleagues assessed how intentions to deviate from habitual decisions were influenced by time pressure. it turned out that the more severe the time pressure, the more the research participants tended to maintain a routine when they re-encountered the same problem, even when they had earlier intended… Continue reading it’s hard to change a decision habit