it’s summer – time to go on a blog book tour!

next week i’ll be hosting a guest post by janet riehl as part of her blog book tour for her new audio book “sightlines: a family love story in poetry and music”. it is a companion to the already existing book of the same title, which has already won her quite a bit of acclaim.… Continue reading it’s summer – time to go on a blog book tour!

reconciliation. music.

from nancy’s blog yesterday: today was a day of reconciliation, initiated by the assembly of first nations. here are some facts every canadian should know (i didn’t until recently): approximately 250,000 kids were forced by law to go to residential schools in canada, starting in 1850 these were kids age 6 – 15 the intent… Continue reading reconciliation. music.

the cinderella project

on friday i went to a highschool graduation ceremony – my first one!  not having grown up in north america, and my older children having decided to skip grade 12, i had never been to one. my first impression were the beautiful clothes everyone was wearing.  where did all these gowns come from? well, some… Continue reading the cinderella project

taking a stand: what does it take to make a difference?

my last post was inspired by the 20th anniversary of the tiananmen square massacre. in it i was musing about what it takes to stand up against whatever oppression we’re experiencing, be it political or in a smaller social environment. making that decision marie reflected: “i guess it’s a matter of deciding what is more… Continue reading taking a stand: what does it take to make a difference?