i want to thank janet riehl for passing on the superior scribbler award to me. it had been given to her by matilda butler and kendra bonnett who have a blog that supports women writing their memoirs.
this is a great way to introduce you to some blogs that i haven’t mentioned much, or maybe not at all. so these are the people i’m passing the award on to.
holly lisle sure needs no award; she’s one of the internet’s grande dames of the writing life, and it feels a little funny for a little blogger like me to be giving her an award. but nevermind. this novel writer (i think she mostly does science fiction) has a humungous blog. over 40 entries about her plot clinic alone! she is one superior scribbler.
“building Rapport: advocating plain language, clear design, sensitivity to audience concerns, and civility” – that’s the plain language blog. in this post, the writer announces that they didn’t make the top 10 language blogs for 2009, so at least they get an award from me. that post also leads to the winners of the 2009 language oscar: if you like words, go and have a look!
microwriting has always fascinated me. six-word stories. haiku. haibun. and why do you think i’m on twitter? this blog takes people’s stories and turns them into 100-word tales.
then there is madeline, one of my oldest blogging friends. nobody documents dialogue the way she does on her site, where she takes you on the daily travels and travails of the mother of two lovely autistic children. viz:
i watch his performance, robotic dancing and in time until he collapses in a sweaty heap, “sighhhhhh!”
“you are such a fun guy.”
“wot did you be callin me?”
“fun guy?”
“ooo…..i thought you be said fungi, nevermind, i am liking fungi betterer.”
and finally, there is isms and ologies, “a fiction blog attempting to personify as many beliefs and studies as are entertaining.” i’m looking forward to a post on trophyism (perhaps with this as a background?)
now apparently there are Rules for this trophy. i’m not a big fan of Rules but since this thing was passed on to me it would be impolite not to post those Rules. here they are. hopefully you are of a more mature character than i and will treat all the “musts” with magnamity.
here are the rules for passing on the superior scribbler award.
1. each superior scribbler must in turn pass the award on to 5 most-deserving blogging friends.
2. each superior scribbler must link to the author and the name of the blog from whom he/she has received the award.
3. each superior scribbler must display the award on his/her blog, and link to this post, which explains the award.
4. each blogger who wins the superior scribbler award must visit this post and add his/her name to the mr. linky list. that way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives this prestigious honor!
5. each superior scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.