these six-word stories are an entry for my participation in the 2008 blogathon, a 24-hour marathon of blogging. please support the cause and donate – however much, however little – to the canadian mental health association (vancouver/burnaby branch). to donate, use this URL: you should be able to get there by clicking the link;if not, just copy and paste the link into your browser. it will take you to the appropriate location at canada helps. thank you!
- hope: blogathon 2008: raise lotsa money!
- saw goofy smile. fell in love.
- sigh. silence. tears. talk to someone!
- man blogged, made fortune: john chow
- bought bottle. drank lots. to jail.
- water fights, icecream truck: summer vacation.
- bought 56 shoes. broke. quick, marry!
- kissed, married, divorced. happy ever after.
- fists, again. finally, she ran away.
- she slept, he kissed, disney filmed.
- twinkies, gin, fries: not recommended diet.
- vanna, gimmie a letter! ooops. bankrupt.
- borrowed book. forgot. heavy fines.
- alarm, coffee, car, work, work, work.
- story of his life? porn, beer.
know any six-word stories? comment!
image by darwin bell