how do we stand in our own way?
- by standing around, doing nothing
- by criticizing ourselves
- by not being honest with ourselves
- by putting ourselves down
- by not following our ideas
- by refusing to budge from our old ways
- by pushing ourselves
- by not treating our bodies well enough
- by not treating ourselves as someone really special
- by taking small things too seriously
- by not trusting that everything will turn out well
- by not trusting our god / divine guidance
- by forgetting to stay in touch with our god / divine guidance
- by making endless lists and then getting frustrated that we don’t accomplish everything on that list
- by clinging to sipid, momentary comfort
- by working past our energy drop-off points
- by not following our instincts
- by not taking advantage of the help that is offered us
how can we get out of the way?
- by being physically active but not to the point of exhaustion
- by patting ourselves on the shoulder
- by being honest with ourselves
- by stopping ourselves every time we put ourselves down
- by valuing and following our ideas, however kooky
- by saying goodbye to old ways that don’t work anymore
- by honouring old ways that work really well
- by being gentle with ourselves
- by treating our bodies as the beautiful treasures that they are
- by laughing a lot
- by enjoying lightness – physically, emotionally and spiritually
- by “wearing the world like a loose garment”
- by trusting that things will get better and better
- by trusting our god / divine guidance 100%
- by praying, in many ways, from singing to silence to dancing
- by making short, doable lists and being accountable to them
- by saying good-bye to boring, momentary comforts and embracing the exciting, heart-warming, lasting ones
- by working within our energy budgets
- by following our instincts
- by gracefully, happily and immediately accepting help that is offered us
isabella mori
counselling in vancouver