turn it off

i just walked through the house to see if there is any electricity-sucking widget, gadget, or doodah that doesn’t need to be turned on.

says bc hydro: “on wednesday, may 16, 2007, british columbians are encouraged to turn off and unplug all unnecessary lights, fixtures, appliances and vehicles.” so i did.

the worst is the family computer in the living room, the one used by our 10-year-old and assorted guests. it often sits idle.

well, actually, my laptop might be the worst. i hardly ever turn it off, rarely for longer than a minute. i rarely even put it on energy saving mode.

so i went around the house to check, turned off the family computer, a light in the kitchen, turned the fridge down a notch, and i promise i will turn off my laptop tonight! i also changed the power settings on my laptop to something more energy-friendly. and we’ll see what we can do for keeping energy consumption as low as possible tonight.

what else could we turn off and unplug? what else is a useless energy drain?

turn off


ah, yes, that feels good. a serene feeling in body and mind. no guilt about harming the environment. pleasant relationships. no more crazy buzzing around.

mmmmhhhh … enjoy …

(thanks to verve coaching and organic researcher for including this post in their blogs)

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