i got tagged by jolynne from the fit shack for “the last blog post”. albert at the urban monk created this orginally, wondering “what if the blogosphere was over tomorrow? no more blogs, and you had to write your very last post?” albert is also very generously donating $1.00 to the salvation army for each blogger who participates and links back to his original post. is that cool or what?
so this is what i think:
if this were my last blog post, i would want it to be a blast. some sort of big, crazy party with all my readers. i’d go to some wide open space with wireless access, use twitter, facebook, linkedin, stumbleupon, myspace, 43things and who knows what other social networking sites and connect with everyone.
i’d tell them where i am (english bay? or maybe by that time lighthouse park in west van has wireless access), and we’d all come flocking together. it would be a blogging woodstock! lots of dancing, commenting, twittering, laughing, hugging, people playing their favourite myspace tunes from their laptops. and by the shine of the full moon, i’d throw my laptop into the ocean, we’d all scream, off the top of our lungs, “this is the last blog post – and the first …
… the first …
… ?
well, we’ll see … an ending and a new beginning …
i’m tagging everyone of my S.E.A.R.C.H. pals who has a blog plus, still in keeping with the theme of the national mental health week, a few people who concern themselves with mental health: finding your marbles – a mental health survival guide, everyone needs therapy, the eating disorder survivors club, and mental health minutes.
isabella mori
counselling in vancouver