hi everyone
you may have noticed that i haven’t posted very much these last few days. i am busy contemplating moving my blog somewhere else, that’s why.
in the meantime, i do not wish to leave you un-entertained. so here’s some interesting tidbits. they’re all about ice.
why? how does that tie in to a blog that’s generally concerned with psychotherapy and the … errr … let’s say “interesting” experience of being a human primate?
how about this one? curiosity. curiosity is one of the main reasons why i’m a psychotherapist. it’s also one of the reasons why people come to see me. they want to investigate what’s going on, what’s underneath and between the layers that everyone can see.
so … ice … yes, ice is one of those strange layers. it can seem so impenetrable. and scary. and hard to get at if you don’ thave the right tools. but then all you need is some warmth …
here we go:
ice worms
bacteria in toilet bowls? try ice cubes!
The collapse of a giant ice shelf in Antarctica has revealed a thriving ecosystem half a mile below the sea. Despite near freezing and sunless conditions, a community of clams and a thin layer of bacterial mats are flourishing in undersea sediments. More?
isabella mori
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