sometimes, life plonks you right in the middle of a coincidence. smack! there you are. or not. maybe it’s synchronicity.
here’s a little example. my dear friend haedy gave me a book for my birthday: in buddha’s kitchen: cooking, being cooked, and other adventures in a meditation center. a wonderful confluence of goodness already: haedy and i have spent time together at retreats where she is often the kitchen goddess. add to this my interest in both cooking and buddhism and already the puzzle pieces fit together quite nicely.
then yesterday i had an email exchange with someone about journaling for healing, a topic that i discuss here on and off. this prompted me to look through some of my books, and i found writing yourself home: a women’s guided journey of self-discovery. it’s a book i haven’t read yet.
oh, wonderful, i thought, this gives me a chance to start something that i’ve been thinking about for quite a while: a series of blog posts about books that i own but haven’t read yet. (like other book lovers, i have quite a few of those).
writing yourself home takes excerpts from famous and not-so-famous writers (two of my favourites, alice walker and toni morrison are in it) and uses them as springboards for personal writing exercises. i’ll talk some more about it tomorrow.
anyway, as i was leafing through the book, the name kimberley snow came up. kimberley snow, kimberley snow, i thought, geez, i know that name. oh – duh! she’s the author of the book.
so then i google her name so that i can give you a nice link to the book. and what do i find …
… guess who the author of in buddha’s kitchen is …
neat little package, huh?
(this post appeared in the first SheBlogs carnival)