time for some bullet blogging again. here are some interesting tidbits:
- it’s impossible to go to nancy white’s blog without finding something fascinating. ever heard of the cambodian bloggers summit? no??? well, why don’t you go here and find out. and maybe do more than find out. chip in to help beth kanter go there:
- “cambodian young people are joining the global conversation in the blogosphere and sharing their perspectives through different forms of grassroots citizen’s media thanks to the efforts of a dedicated team of cambodian bloggers.”
- through blogathon, i got to know the depression and bipolar support alliance. looks like an interesting group. among other things, they are doing research on peer support:
- consumer service providers such as peer specialists are trained to work one on one with consumers to:
- motivate their peers to develop an expectation of recovery
- encourage regular self-monitoring of symptoms
- help their peers to develop self-management skills for symptom control and problem solving
- activate consumers to be more informed partners in care and more effective self-advocates
- motivate and assist consumers to reclaim work and other rewarding social roles
- teach consumers how to communicate more effectively and efficiently with providers so that treatment plans reflect their unique wants and needs
- enhance consumer commitment to medication and other treatment plans.
- i’m the new speaker-getter for my favourite networking group, SWAN. if you live in the vancouver area and would like to check out a supportive, friendly and professional women’s networking group, visit us. we get together every third thursday of the month in north vancouver.
- as you know, part of this blog is dedicated to the very serious topic of psychological research. in this vein, i would like to recommend to you psyblog, which presents us with five studies on the topic of human-dog interaction. read it for invaluble illumination on these questions:
- is talking to a dog like talking to a baby?
- do we think dogs understand us?
- are dogs ice-breakers?
- do dogs resemble their owners?
- is it wrong to eat your dog?
- “so much that is ecstasy-inducing can be accomplished in five minutes“
- i just love my twitter favourites. here are a few choice morsels:
- drucker said the best way to predict the future is creating it
- over-enthusiastic about semicolons; punctuation is a secret tool of communication that many overlook.
- packing for biz trip.going over speech in my head at the same time as my packing list. might confuse software w underwear.
- the crew has broken off into small discussion groups. we are waiting on cast. you can almost hear the sound of money being wasted. (this from StandIn, whose frequent
cynical rantingsupdates on what happens in the film industry are fascinating) - i asked my twitter friends what else i should put on this post. matt, self proclaimed world’s best oatmeal maker, suggested i include something on twitter and procrastination. i googled the topic and came up with 1,580,000 hits. now of course, sidetracking is procrastination’s best friend (or is it cousin? let me google that …) and i got interested in a post that talks about twitter and procrastination but also about the evils of multitasking. as a lousy multitasker, i want to thank you profusely for that article, suw. oh, and while we’re at it, procrastinators have a new calendar now, check it out! well, maybe not right now. take your time.
- nickie suggested i mention this article about end-of-life care:
- after watching patients, families and health care providers grapple with ethical and medical issues surrounding dying patients, a group of staff members at the mayo clinic hospital (mch) in phoenix, az, decided to find a better way.
- they launched a study on whether a palliative care program, focusing on easing pain and symptoms, not curing diseases, would better meet patients’ and families’ wishes, while also reducing the psychological and financial costs that often arise when life-saving medical interventions are used.
other blogs i’ve been looking at lately: prospect blogs (anyone who manages to talk about wagner’s tristan and isolde and garbage collection at the same time deserves my attention) and integral options (i found this image there). i’m also trying to read geert’s blog but darn, my dutch is bad, and so far, he hasn’t written another one in english yet. this guy is fluent in at least three languages, so what’s up? (come to think of it, maybe i should write a post in german or spanish one day …)
- still haven’t seen enough bullets? go to thinkingmachine, there’s lots more.
isabella mori
counselling in vancouver