today i went to the 75th anniversary of my daughter’s elementary school. time travel! there was someone there who was may queen in 1934, a 95-year-old teacher who had taught there for many years, and of course the choir who sang right across the century, from i got plenty o’ nuttin to rag mop to woodstock to i got a good mother.
yes, an experience in time and space. standing by the entrance, i watched all these people coming in. most of them didn’t seem to know each other, or didn’t recognize each other. 35-year-olds from langley, a man well past retirement from ontario, a guy in a kilt and a marijuana leaf dangling from his ear, a teacher-turned-textile-artist, a self described slum lord from the neighbourhood, the princpal, the choir teacher, me … what connected us? just little strands of time and space.
the space of this school, where we have memories, and time: an anniversary. these strands of time and space connected us – like the ribbons of the may pole. woven by stories and memories: you remember when … ? and the tall grass outside the school … and then his brother broke his arm … oh, my son moved to surrey, too … mr, woodcock, he was the principal for 35 years … stories, stories, stories. humans are story telling animals.
isabella mori
counselling in vancouver