medicalnews tells us today
Dutch researcher Maarten de Rijke and his co-workers Gilad Mishne and Krisztian Balog have developed a new programme that can trace and explain significant changes in mood patterns on the Internet. MoodViews is a collection of instruments that maps the mood of bloggers as they write their message.
this is the kind of thing they post:
(this changes every 10 minutes or so – so come back and look what the world is like in a little while!)
now they chart the mood of all of the bloggers on livejournal, one of the free blogging platforms. so i tried to see what vancouver bloggers’ moods were today – but i had a hard time finding a lot of vancouver livejournal users, so i gave up on that.
instead i looked for different mood tracker software, and found VistaWrite, which tracks your mood and goals, and it has a little journal, too. i’ll try it out for the 30 days i can have it for free and let you know how it goes.
right now my mood is … i don’t know. i’m too tired …
gnite …
isabella mori
counselling in vancouver