so we have a bit of a question here, maybe you can help us.
about six months ago, we started a swear jar. whenever someone swears, they need to put money into the jar. a buck for adults, fifty cents for kids.
now, thanks partly (ok, well, mostly) to the colourful language of yours truly, we have a bit of money accumulated.
what to do with it?
here are five ideas we’ve come with up so far. which one would you recommend? do you have a different idea?
the first three start out with giving the money to charity. but what kind of charity?
- a charity that we all like, like the SPCA (society for protection of animals), or the BC cancer agency. an argument for that one would be: we transform something foul into something good. argument against: would it actually encourage swearing?
- a charity towards which we feel neutral and to which we would normally not give. say, the rhododendron growers of canada. actually, i quite like rhodos, but i have no passionate feelings one way or the other towards that non-profit organization. argument for: we would still give the money away, to a cause that is at least not unworthy, and at the same time we would not get any satisfaction from giving the money away, thus not creating reinforcement of the swearing
- an organization we definitely do not support. maybe there is something like “young nazis of america”, or some sort of homophobic organization. that way, next time one of us thinks about swearing, we’ll think twice, because we certainly don’t want to support these kinds of people.
two more, really variations on the ones above. they might have a bit more ooomph, though.
- give the money directly to a person/persons who we don’t want to support.
- give the money directly to a person/persons who we do want to support.
over to you: what’s your advice?
this is also my entry into island life’s how to group writing project, about which i found out on jacob’s group writing site. island life is in very good company, by the way: darren over at problogger did a group writing project with the same title two years ago.
here are other entries to that project so far:
- how to create chocolate chip perfection
- how to shirk responsibility and avoid social obligations
- how to explain a frequently asked somewhat “awkward” family situation
- how to twitter market and socially advertise
- how to properly care for our fickle yet beloved house cat, mr. paw
- how to clean a house (diaper diary style)
- how to go letterboxing
- how to eat a mango
- how to make yourself magnetic
- how to start signing with baby
- how to have an accidental mommy moment
- how to make tortilla soup
- how to get a family of 5 ready to leave the house in an hour
- how to lose a man
- how to create a silhouette t-shirt from your child’s photo
- how to contract diabetes
- how to get your husband interested in a chick flick
- how’s about a reunion?
- how to make a cabbage paper mache
- how to love your man
- how to make sopaipillas
- how to pull out a tooth
- how to get started writing online book reviews, part 8
(image by allie)