so we have a bit of a question here, maybe you can help us. about six months ago, we started a swear jar. whenever someone swears, they need to put money into the jar. a buck for adults, fifty cents for kids. now, thanks partly (ok, well, mostly) to the colourful language of yours truly,… Continue reading how to deal with the swear jar
Tag: charities
blogathon 2008: countdown to insomnia!
on july 26, i will not sleep. from 5 am to 5 am the next morning, i will be blogging. yup, i’m participating in this year’s blogathon, a marathon in which selected bloggers such as raul and rebecca, bloggers participate to raise awareness and funds for their favourite charities. for 24 hours, every 30 minutes,… Continue reading blogathon 2008: countdown to insomnia!