about 10 days ago, geert awarded me the brilliant web award. thank you, geert, especially coming from you! geert posts mostly in dutch (and i have a hilarious time trying to decipher it) but also in english once in a while.
so now my job, he says, is to nominate at least 7 more for this award. oh my. this is why it took me so long to write this post. how am i going to find 7 brilliant blogs when there are so many good blogs out there? seriously, this threw me into a tizzy. but i finally bit the bullet and culled out 15. i am still black and blue from trying to fight off the bad feeling for not including more. but here they are, at the end of the post.
awardees, when you receive this post, here is what you are invited to do:
- add the logo of the award to your blog
- add a link to the person who awarded it to you
- nominate at least 7 other blogs
- add links to those blogs on your blog
- leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
and here they come. drumroll!
- john – storied mind; an award for his brilliant insights on depression
- evan – wellbeing and health; an award for his brilliant thoughtfulness, always looking beneath the surface
- alex – our evolution; an award for his brilliant combination of images, news and spiritual quotes
- jacob – job mob; an award for his brilliant posts on everything careers
- andrew – good honest dollar; an award for his brilliant thoughts on corporate responsibility
- william – integral options; an award for his brilliant collection of posts on buddhism and psychology
- zee – black woman thinks; an award for her brilliant posts on being a black professional woman
- sojourner; an award for her brilliant “slave narratives”
- damien – riley central; an award for his brilliant, down-to-earth treatment of psychological topics
- maddy – whitterer on autism; an award for her brilliant way of writing dialogue
- raul – hummingbird 604; an award for this brilliant environmentalist
- karen – countably infinite; an award for her brilliant work on making public transit more important
- nancy; an award for her brilliant combination of money management and political astuteness
- jeremy – PsyBlog; an award for his brilliant reporting on psychological research
- ashok – rethink; an award for his brilliant, deep thoughts on politics, philosophy – and emily dickinson