identities vs. labels

(this is another entry that i transferred from one of the lost january artices from my old blog) the following thoughts are inspired by a conversation in daily dose of queer about gender identies: what’s an identity? what do i need it for? why do others need me to have an identity? is an identity… Continue reading identities vs. labels

open hearts

jeff’s comments on my last post about gratitude about open hearts reminded me of something very beautiful that alice walker, one of my favourite authors (the temple of my familiar is one of my all-time favourite books), once said in an interview with sharon salzberg for shambala sun, a buddhist magazine: “You know, what are… Continue reading open hearts

gender freedom

as my dear readers know, one of the blogs i watch is daily dose of queer, where i found a link to jay sennett’s blog. he’s looking for bloggers to review a new anthology called “self organizing men” – women transitioning into malehood (or FtM, as it’s often called). good for him to use blogvertising… Continue reading gender freedom