carnival of eating disorders #9

welcome to the 9th carnival of eating disorders!

we had a break in august, and now there are lots of new articles to look at. today we have posts on body image, anorexia, bulimia and overeating. also, as i’ve done before, this month i’m picking one post and will talk about it in more depth some time during the next week. i’ve selected bad buddhist vs. the sixth precept at diary of a bad buddhist for that.

here are the rest of the articles.

body image
an excerpt from “maria de la barbie” at hijas americanas

for those of us who have dark skin, raven hair, and a short stature, there isn’t much external validation. the average woman of any ethnicity is different from what’s celebrated on television, in magazines, and in life…

often, in latin culture, these differences are exacerbated by the fact that the families’ input offers such a distinct point of view”one that’s often at odds with the larger culture. thus, as latinas we can be caught in between two standards of beauty”not feeling beautiful in either culture, or feeling beautiful in one but not the other.

i have a body image problem at superbabymama

i have a body image problem. i guess being female in this dehumanizing society that goes without saying, but i’ve been wondering lately why it is that we women pretty much accept it.

and no, this has nothing to do with high heels, makeup, breast implants, or any of that typically female stuff that causes so many arguments. it’s on a more personal level–my relationship to my disabled body; my relationship to my aging, menopausal body; my relationship to my fat body.

what’s in a man at saglikhealth

males with body image disorders are showing up with increasing frequency in psychiatrists’ offices. more and more men are abusing steroids in an attempt to build muscle. an article in the american journal of addictions noted that “anabolic steroids are increasingly used for the nonmedical purposes of enhancing athletic performance and physical appearance.

as illicit abuse patterns increase, so do reports of physical dependence, major mood disorders, and psychoses.” in the 1980s, body-image studies by psychologists elaine hatfield and susan sprecher found that men were catching up to women: 55 percent of women were dissatisfied with their appearance; men weren’t far behind, at 45 percent.

perfect girls, starving daughters: the eating disorder expose at brainblogger

writer and columnist from colorado, courtney martin’s new book perfect girls, starving daughters: the frightening new normalcy of hating your body launches a scathing attack on a new generation of over-achieving, obsessive-compulsive “perfect girls,” who have taken self-flagellation (nutritionally) to the extremes, into a danger zone of no return.

recovery from self-injury is a slow process at centre for emotional well-being

vanessa vega’s memoir on anorexia, poor body image and self-injury comes the darkness, comes the light: a memoir of cutting, healing and hope is reviewed.

manorexia: eating disorders in men at fitsugar

harvard researchers reported the results of the first national study of eating disorders and in a population of nearly 3,000 adults they found that 25 percent of those with anorexia or bulimia and 40 percent of binge eaters were men. researchers were surprised by the numbers since previous studies estimated the numbers closer to around 10 percent.

experts believe that males are becoming more vulnerable to social pressures to achieve the perfect male body – the ultimate “six-pack” abs. men are often reluctant to admit they have an eating disorder because they feel it is a woman’s problem. additionally they do not like to admit that they feel out of control around food. however there are a few celebrities that have spoken publicly about their problem.

dennis quaid sought treatment for his disorder after losing 40 pound for a movie role – in fact i believe he helped coin the phrase “manorexia.” billy bob thorton has battled with anorexia and lost 59 pounds, while elton john has divulged that he suffered from bulimia.

a new eating disorder classification at psychology and more

the new york times covers a research article published this month which proposes a new eating disorder: purging disorder. it seems to be distinct from bulimia, which also has purging features, and anorexia, which also may have purging features. what makes purging disorder distinct is that people don’t eat too much and purge which is the classic bulimia profile. they eat normally, but have the impulse to purge.

do i have to gain weight to recover? at real recovery from bulimia & binge eating

of course, it’s very scary for us at first because we think we don’t know or remember how to eat like a normal person. i remember very clearly thinking that. but, we do know – our bodies know when we’re hungry and full and our hearts know how to make good, healthy decisions about which foods to eat. it’s all a matter of hushing our judgmental, anxious, and chaotic heads and allowing our kind, all-knowing, and loving hearts to guide us.

feeling full at balanced life center

all day long, every time i felt like crying i said i was hungry, and i ate. that day i learned to stuff my feelings with food. since that day, i tried several times to lose weight or curb my eating to no avail. i remember when i moved to raleigh, eating a quart of ice cream every evening. i put on 50 lbs in 5 months, after losing 50 lbs in the year before. i was home sick and lonely, but rather than face the feelings, i just ate them.

last year, when i started writing for this blog, i made a silent commitment to myself to be as authentic as i possibly could. by this time, i was aware that i had been stuffing my feelings thanks to a stint in overeaters anonymous. so, as part of my commitment, i said that i would only eat when hungry and until full.

judith beck: train your brain to think like a thin person at brain fitness blog

an interview with dr. judith beck, cognitive therapy pioneer, on how those techniques can help lose weight in a healthy manner: “since the beginning, i have primarily treated psychiatric outpatients with a variety of diagnoses, especially depression and anxiety. some patients expressed weight loss as a secondary goal in treatment. i found that many of the same cognitive and behavioral techniques that helped them overcome their other problems could also help them to lose weight”and to keep it off.”

common thought traps at weight loss without worry

in order to discard limiting thoughts you must first identify unwanted thought patterns. below i have listed 9 common thought traps — see if you can recognize any of them in your life.

globalizing — this is the tendency to allow a small negative to symbolize “the failure that is your life”. example: you are losing weight steadily for 4 weeks and then go up one pound. you think, “i knew i couldn’t do it, i can’t do anything.”

bone hormone linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes at living the scientific life

this is the story about how bones act as an endocrine organ by producing a protein hormone, osteocalcin, that prevents obesity by increasing insulin production and increasing insulin sensitivity in mice. such effects are likely to be found for humans as well, suggesting that osteocalcin might be an effective treatment for obesity and type 2 diabetes.

how to overcome fear and the obstacles it creates at personal development for INTJs

sometimes, people eat too much or too little because they’re afraid of some image they’d project. if they can fix the underlying problem of being afraid of having a bad self-image, then they can stop “overcompensating”. here’s how to over come your fears .

other submissions include

that concludes this edition. submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of eating disorders using our carnival submission form. the next carnival of eating disorders will be published on october 31.

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