michael moore’s sicko, pinocchio, rugby and a movie about PTSD – you’d think they don’t have that much in common. but they do. these and other posts featured here today are all written by a community of people who truly want to make the world a better place.
welcome to the 105th carnival of healing, then! thanks, phylameana, for inviting me to host this week’s edition.
here is the lineup:
10 facts you never knew from “sicko” at noedb: nursing online education database
although this article cannot cover all the points that moore covered in his movie, we’ve tried to cover the most controversial points. all moore did with this movie was point to the health insurance industry as a thorn in the side of the U.S. healthcare system.
medical tourism, another topic in this film, already claims at least 500,000 known americans who were treated abroad for medical conditions in 2006. this healthcare alternative, claims the association for the advancement of retired persons, is the simple answer for many to get needed treatment without devastating their savings.
when you feel like giving up at the next 45 years
pick yourself up. think about how good it will feel when you cross the finishing line. think not only about how good it will feel to finally accomplish your goal, but think about how good you are going to feel about yourself for finishing.when you feel like giving up, this is the time to reach down deep into your soul. shut off the tape that plays the lie you can’t do it. replace it with a new tape that states the truth – you are a worthy person and the enemy of your soul has been defeated.
seize the day at the human imprint talks about a now-departed friend who coached a rugby team in george (of the former USSR)
[he] felt the sporting ethos, especially that of rugby union, that catered for all shapes and sizes in one team, could transcend differences and difficulties and help to create mutual support and teamwork among a group of individuals. he once wrote to me about the young men that were learning the game who were turning up to train, many of them unable to afford the bus fare who were walking there and back as well as training for the games.he also said that they expressed great determination, resilience and spirit in their tackling and forward play, never giving up and commiting themselves totally to everything they did. well, last night they proved him right in every way.
methods as temporary tools instead of lifetime crutches at tupelo kenyon
by choosing to remain attached to the same old methods of yesteryear, we may as well be a stone. stones don’t grow, blossom and unfold into ever-expanding awareness. but we do . . . by understanding that our methods (all of our methods) are only transient tools to help us build a life of ever-growing personal development.
helping people understand you have PTSD at dr. patricia sherman – healing is possible
… it can be difficult for the people in your life to acknowledge that you have been traumatized. often they will try to cope with their feelings of helplessness by denying or being blind to what you are trying to tell them. they may also be feeling angry at whatever or whoever hurt you, but don’t know what to do with their anger. so what do you do?
bringing the law of attraction into the workplace at ask the careercounselor
recognize that you are creating your own drama. deliberately choose to shift you attitude. for example, if you find yourself reacting to a customer, take a deep breath and reach for a more objective attitude. you might work on depersonalizing, considering the other person’s point of view, generating empathy and compassion, becoming less serious…get the picture?
make it real at 21st century citizen
take a step today ” a small step or a large step ” but take some step. take a step toward making the better world of your imagination real.
pinocchio and the meaning of life at brendan mcphillip’s blog:
pinocchio perfectly symbolizes our dual nature; our material self and our real self. of course pinocchio’s material self is as a wooden puppet. our material selves aren’t made of wood (although i love the english phrase of describing someone who’s not to intelligent as being “thick as two planks”) but we are made of physical, emotional and mental material that combine to create our body. this is the material self that you’ve come to know and love complete with all its sensations, habits,likes, dislikes, thoughts, habits and attitudes. but there’s more to us that this body.
other submissions included
- vision – the online movie at lori prokop – keyboard culture
- easiest way to fight parasitic fungus at all about your body and spirit
- types of alcoholism treatments at addiction recovery blog
last week’s carnival was at deepest health, and next week’s carnival will be at therapeutic reiki (thanks for the lovely intro, astrid!).
if you’d like to submit to, or host future carnivals, please visit the carnival of healing homepage.