i was going to send this as an email to someone but why not post it here?
the question is – how do you turn something dreadful into something you like? actually, the words used were “purgatory” and “heaven” 🙂
i have a few exercises for this, and one of them has something to do with how we feel when we’re not 100% good at something. so here we go.
somewhere i read this: “the fact that we do not know how to be or do everything perfectly is not a good reason to lose confidence in ourselves.”
this can be turned into a little exercise:
list a few things that you don’t do perfectly, e.g.
- paperwork
- play with kids
- exercise regularly
- look after bad back
- perform well at presentations
then ask yourself – what’s fun about these things?
what’s fun about doing paperwork?
e.g. i like paper! like, the actual paper. makes me think of books and writing and drawing.
what’s fun about playing with the kids?
e.g. i like finger puppets.
what’s fun about exercising regularly?
e.g. the cute guys at the gym
what’s fun about looking after my bad back?
e.g. lying on the floor with the TV on.
what’s fun about presentations?
e.g. i like powerpoint.
it’s a good idea to come up with at least 5 fun points for each activity you feel you’re not perfect at.
(p.s. it was much more fun to write this than to finish round 1 of my taxes. i soo dislike doing that this time around. so i’m going to take my own medicine. what’s fun about doing the taxes? 1 – i get to go on the web site of one of my favourite financial institutions; 2 – when i’m done, i can phone my husband and GLOAT; 3 – i get to walk my talk – one of my biggest motivators; 4 – i get to have a better overview over my finances – something i always enjoy; 5 – i enjoy looking at the neatness of spreadsheets. ok, i’m off now!)
(p.s. some time later – i actually did it and it worked!!!)
this post was listed in the carnival of motivation and inspiration