“kind thoughts are nice but what we need is kind acts”
this is one of brock tully’s phrases that are still with me after attending the one of a kind stories event yesterday. twelve speakers shared their stories, truly from the heart – twelve courageous people who are making kindness happen, right now, right here.
here are a few delicious “bites” from this heart-warming smorgasbord:
brock tully, the man behind all of this: “the main thing is that we share so that we don’t suffer in silence”
kim depape, a former drug user who talked about some very difficult experiences in her life: “it’s not easy to talk about this but i need to talk about it, this is how you get better.”
mary jo fetterley, a yoga teacher who became paralyzed after a skiing accident: “the capacity of the heart to heal, love and transcend is overwhelming, bigger than anything else in the world.”
ward clapham, a police officer who left a deep impression on me: “most crime is rooted in problems that are obviously predictable and preventable.” he didn’t leave it at that observation, he did something about it – he is now richmond’s head RCMP officer and with his “positive ticketing”, has helped decrease youth crime by 40%.
bob lewis, who is doing the walk for family peace, from vancouver to new york: “individuals may not look at world peace but we can start with peace in the family.”
ted kuntz, a psychotherapist and father of a seriously disabled son: “the kids around josh [his son] pushed his wheelchair, help him eat – teachers wanted to have him around because around him, all the other kids were kinder and gentler.”
colleen kellough, eckart tolle’s publicist: “when you’re asked to something that your heart feels pulled toward, say ‘yes’ no matter what.”
bruce johnson, a high school principal, talked about how his son, who died of leukemia. instead of fretting over going in to chemo treatments, he would be excited about the movie they would see afterwards. “why should i have a bad day – my son taught me never to have a bad day.”
jeannette o’keefe, singer for the band abba cadabra and “the kindness queen” at children’s kindness events, told us that she gets her daughters to regularly write down positive truths about themselves.
and finally, my good friend danielle jackson, hypnotherapist and founder of vancouver’s sacred space boutique: “you have a right to suck every ounce of joy out of life!”