genkaku, one of my favourite bloggers, wrote this today on speaking one’s truth:
The movie “National Treasure” is an adventure about stealing the Declaration of Independence. On the back of this document, in invisible ink, is a clue to finding a vast treasure, which, by movie’s end, is found.
In the midst of the movie the central character, actor Nicholas Cage, and a sidekick are looking at the security-encased Declaration and reading a bit of it. Cage reads a part and the sidekick says, “Nobody talks like that.” To which Cage responds approximately, “People may not talk like that, but that’s the way they think.”
I thought it was a good line. People do think about the principles and aims of their lives. And it’s not just the small stuff, the beamers and new clothes and corner offices. It’s the sweeping stuff, put in various ways with various words … goodness and peace and compassion and the vastness of the universe and, perhaps, God.
They may think this way, but as the sidekick said, they don’t talk that way. They don’t talk that way perhaps because they are among strangers or people who are busy talking and acting in ways that run counter to these compelling thoughts. Or perhaps it is all too personal, too private, too somehow touching and tender … like a newborn baby in need of all possible protections and nurture. Or maybe there’s some other reason for not talking about what they actually think about…all that illogical loving that nags and hints and beckons and yet remains without a tongue.
In Hinduism and probably in Buddhism too and probably elsewhere as well, there is the encouragement to bring “thought, word and deed” into accord. No more style over substance. What a compelling idea — bringing these stars into alignment … thought, word and deed; body, mouth and thought. Nothing extra and nothing left out. Complete and completely at ease.
This is the way people think, I think. Maybe not with these exact words, but … well, close enough for folk singing. This is the way they think.
And this is the way they talk even when they don’t talk this way.
The Hindus had another encouragement: “Always speak to everyone of God.” How is such a thing possible, some may ask?
I guess my question would be, how could such a thing be impossible?
an interesting question. i sometimes ask myself when i pray – is this my voice, truly my voice? and the next question is, what is my true, absolutely authentic voice? how can i tell?
of course i can never get to the authentic absolute. but perhaps if i spoke more “to everyone of god”, i could a little close to it.
isabella mori
counselling in vancouver