8 random facts about me
… and things you may not know …
- i once seriously considered starting a web site dedicated entirely to caesar salad
- the only autograph i ever bothered getting was from dancer rudolf nureyev
- in my crazy berlin-before-the-wall-came-down days, one saturday i had a one-night stand with a kurdish urologist who looked like a french philosopher
- my next grandchild is expected on 08-08-08
- in paraguay, one hangovered morning i was trapped up in a grapefruit tree
- part of the novel i’m working on plays in dahomey (present-day benin)
- my most traumatic musical experience ever was when i had saved up for a ticket to covent garden in london, terribly excited to watch debussy’s the afternoon of a faun – and i had to listen to tosca
- one of the best gifts i’ve ever received from a client was one of those little stuffies-in-a-can, rescued from a garbage bin
i’m doing this because it’s fun and because damien (remember him from the 10 cognitive distortions?) tagged me. now i’m supposed to tag 8 people. let me find some blogospherians i’ve never tagged before. hmmm ….
- raul, because he’s beautiful
- todd, because he’s kind
- lillie, because she edits
- gillian, because she has a cat
- catatonic kid, because she wrote about synaesthesia
- sage, because she’s a philosopher
- stumbleblogger, because i owe him a guest post
- zoe, because she knew how to spell ‘articulate’ when she was 4
(image of nureyev found here)