the other day, carol took a video of me babbling on about the mind of a blogger.
that got me thinking. do i really want to frame everything in terms of blogging? is that the kind of world i want to inhabit?
that was not one of those sneering hypothetical questions. (as in, “come on, you don’t really want to eat a whole bucket of KFC?!”) it was a legitimate thing to reflect on.
i love blogging. writing – i can’t get enough of it. i enjoy airing my thoughts and seeing whether at least some of them make sense to people. the exchange of thoughts and ideas that can happen here invigorates me. when something turns out to be a bit controversial – great! (as long as we are civil with each other). give me 10 minutes and i give you another 20 reasons why blogging is so much fun. and that’s just the blogging part, never mind the wonderful social media circus that i keep playing with.
yes, there is an “and”. a whole bunch of “ands”.
gardening. children. grandchildren. my 1.5 cats. my health. my husband. spiritual practice. friends. my face-to-face clients.
and experiencing life directly.
seeing life through the eyes of a blogger/writer is a legitimate choice. and when i was looking at that choice, i realized that it’s not what i want to do right now.
i don’t want to wake up 3 out of 4 mornings with a blog post in my head. i’d like to wake up with a prayer, with thinking about my soon-to-arrive second grandchild. i want to go to bed happy because i’ve done some work in the garden, or played a game of balderdash with our friends – not wondering whether i put in the right link in my latest post.
also, i want to do more creative writing. for the last few months, i’ve been working on a novel, and i’d like to redirect some of my blogging energy to working on it more than the one hour a week that i usually dedicate to it.
so … there are going to be a few changes here on this blog. mostly, i’m planning to blog less – three or so posts a week, rather than the average of five to six we’ve had so far. also, i’d like to post excerpts from my creative writing endeavours once in a while.
of course, if any of you are interested in guest posting here, let me know, and maybe we’ll have a few more posts! actually, damien and geb are preparing one each as we speak. as you know, the topics here are manifold – from psychology to spirituality to creativity to social justice, and much, much more.
one thing i do hope to do is to keep posting an article on cancer every friday , either here or on another blog. but again, if anyone here would like to guest post about that – you’re welcome!
of course, i’ll continue the carnivals (carnival of eating disorder and buddhist carnival), as well as wordless wednesday (just to keep nancy happy). the ongoing blog conversations we have here – right now about spirituality and atheism with jan and another one about creativity with jeremy will continue and i’m looking forward to more of them in the future. (if anyone here would like to start a conversation, let’s talk about it!)
that’s it for now.
now i’ll go and write a haiku.