the emotion of spring

and yet another guest post from alex. heeeeeere is alex:

spring is a very exciting time for me because i have such a strong connection with it. my birthday is in april and so it’s always filled with the thrill of the coming year, a new chapter in my life and new beginnings. there is a lot going on and it goes by fast because a lot of the people in my immediate circle of people also have birthdays in the spring. it’s usually a time of self reflection because it marks the end of a year in my life. i come to terms with a lot and resolve whatever i can to make room for all the new things that are coming. the emotion of spring is: extreme excitement

summer is very upbeat and there is always a lot going on. sometimes that comes in the form of a summer camp; others times it comes in the form of social engagements. it’s a time for spending time with friends who are otherwise usually caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. in summer i get to see them more often. it’s a time of enjoying the warmth but learning to balance my love of it, with my need to stay cool. the emotion of summer: joy/thrill.

autumn is a very mild season. it’s calm and peaceful, generally the beginning of a small but lasting project. i take time to pursue business opportunities and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment. the emotion of autumn: focused, calm.

winter is comforting. i get cold easily so i always wrap myself in layers and layers of soft, warm clothing. it’s when i concentrate on making sure my physical body is happy so that my emotional self can relax. it’s time of thought and peace of mind, where my focus is to keep myself feeling good. the emotion of winter is: happy/content.

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