okay, so here is what yesterday’s surprise was all about.
you see, through twitter i found out about buy a friend a book week.
since phylameana is one of my blogger friends and i know for certain she didn’t expect me to buy her a book, i figured i’d make her my “target”.
why was she not supposed to expect that i buy her a book?
here is how it works.
just get yourself to a real-life or virtual book store during buy a friend a book week (the first weeks of january, april, july, and october) and, well, buy a friend a book (or e-book)! but here’s the fun part: you can’t buy your friend a book because it’s their birthday or they just graduated or got engaged or had a baby or anything else.
you have to give them a book for no good reason. in fact, this present out of the blue from you should shock the pants off of whomever you decide to give it to. and it’ll make them happy. and that’s the point: promote reading, promote friendships. just make sure to let them know about buy a friend a book week.
phylameana, i expect you to report on whether this shocked the pants off you!
i also have a book sitting around that i bought a few weeks ago for a friend, just for the fun of it, and i haven’t given it to her yet. i hereby promise i will do that within the next week. you can hold me to it.
lastly – do you think i should hold a contest here? for another gift certificate for a book – maybe $25 this time?
what do you think?
isabella mori
counselling in vancouver