yesterday was beltane, one of the two most important holidays in pagan traditions.just as hallowe’en marks the time when we slip into the darkness of winter, on beltane we celebrate opening the door to the joys and exuberance of summer.
i’d like to dedicate this beltane to all women with breast cancer.
i imagine an end to the wintery weariness that comes with chemotherapy, radiation and all the other medical procedures – and the blossoming of fresh energy, ebullient laughter, and renewed pleasures in your bodies.
let’s have a handfasting between your bodies and the flaming red, bursting energy of tulips, the sparkling green of the new grass, the elegant white of plum blossoms!
come, let’s hold hands and jump over the beltane fire together, leaving behind pain and the cold grip of fear!
beltane is about fertility. the fertility of sisterhood, holding each other, holding on to each other, holding each other up, growing in our circle much more than what we can create each one by ourselves.
(this is another frozen pea friday post, in support of the breast cancer recovery and work of susan reynolds and those she inspires to help end breast cancer. ***** image by stephie)