the other day, i came across pensieve, who is challenging the blogosphere to come up with a thanksgiving limerick.
since i’ve been digging back into my chilean songs lately, i came up with this harebrained idea of trying to turn violeta parra’s gracias a la vida into a limerick. it doesn’t do justice to violeta’s beautiful poem and music – but it was a great opportunity to look more deeply into violeta parra’s art. maybe i’ll write a post about her one day – the story of her struggles with mental illness, her creativity and her social activism certainly fits well into this blog.
so, pensieve, here’s my thanksgiving limerick:
life, thank you, you’ve given me so much:
stars, mountains, words, legs, eyes and love.
a heart full of joy
and room, too, for sorrow,
and a song to share with my brothers.
for a link to mercedes sosa singing this song, the spanish lyrics and a translation into the english, visit mikkelina.