today please visit over at brainblogger, where i talk about research on how some psychologists view people with mental health issues, especially those with schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. interesting points that are being discussed in the comments are the place of diagnosis and the importance, or limits of, of objectivity.
Tag: diagnosis
depression screening on blue monday, january 18
the CMHA (vancouver-burnaby branch) will be holding a depression and anxiety screening the evening of monday, january 18th 2010, which they call ‘blue monday.’ blue monday is traditionally the third monday in january, a date chosen because it occurs after the holidays but when the days are still dark and dreary, new year’s resolutions may… Continue reading depression screening on blue monday, january 18
psychotherapy: understanding versus explaining
today, let me point you to an article i wrote at counselling resource, with the title psychotherapy clients as … humans? here is the excerpt: is psychotherapy about “cases” to be explained, or about individual persons who need and benefit from understanding? in this review of an article by psychotherapist janet l. etzi, we look… Continue reading psychotherapy: understanding versus explaining