a post my husband wrote for this blog a few weeks ago. kind of ironic, to be using it for the blogathon, wouldn’t you say? my wife and i are not TV watchers. for me, other than NFL football season and once a month late-night-in-bed-just-before-going-to-sleep scanning of showcase/learning channel/PBS i don’t willingly watch any television.… Continue reading blogathon: internet, the great procrastination enabler drug
Tag: TV
anorexic porn – the TV sequel
do you want to be on TV? you may remember my project on anorexia and sex a little while ago. i wanted to know what was behind internet searches for phrases like “anorexic porn”, “anorexic sex”, “anorexic nudes” and the like. i put together a little study; the results are here, in anorexia and sex… Continue reading anorexic porn – the TV sequel