today, i invite you to go over to GNIF brain blogger where i’ve written a guest post on a series of mental health success stories i had the fortune to listen to on monday at the canadian mental health association. what remained most with me was one person mentioning that at a certain age, he… Continue reading mental health without labels
Month: September 2007
an old, old poem of mine, obviously written in a (tea) drug induced state. but fitting, isn’t it, as we’re heading into cooler weather. after four hours of sleep and 16 hours of work here comes pouring into the poet a cup of tea. tea! tea! tea! drug that whitewaterrafts into forgotten veins and drags… Continue reading tea
the phoenix recovery centre
last thursday, i had the great fortune of meeting michael wilson of the newly created phoenix recovery centre in surrey, just southeast of vancouver. a friend of mine, who has a little contract job there, had told me about it and said that i absolutely had to see it. so when i drove there, i… Continue reading the phoenix recovery centre
what are you grateful for today?
PsyBlog is one of my favourite blogs lately. their latest post is on gratefulness. i haven’t done a gratitude post for a while. so let me do that right now. thanks, PsyBlog, for inspiring me to do that! it’s such a simple way to spread goodness everywhere – inside me, here on this blog, and… Continue reading what are you grateful for today?
food addiction: another case of “duh” science
ok, time for another rant. looks like i can’t speak gently on this. sorry, buddha. this article in UStoday had me alternatively laughing out loud, rolling my eyes and frowning. obesity has long been blamed on weak willpower, overeating, genetics and lack of exercise. now scientists increasingly are seeing signs that suggest there may be… Continue reading food addiction: another case of “duh” science
405 personal development bloggers
a week ago, i had the great fortune of being tagged twice to participate in the personal development blog list. thanks, priscilla and albert! it’s similar to the W list or the Z list, although i have to say that the level of participation on this one is phenomenal. of course it’s a kind of… Continue reading 405 personal development bloggers
change and transformation
how does change occur? this is what nancy asked on her blog a few days ago. a money coach, she was confronted with a client who wanted to get some assurance that, were she to use nancy’s services, change would indeed happen. lots has been thought and written about this topic. three people who have… Continue reading change and transformation
change something: the lives of people with mental illness
today, gentle ladies and men, you’re going to have to go somewhere else for my blog post. changeeverything, an interesting local site that is dedicated to social change, has issued a challenge to write about an issue close to your heart. if it makes the cut, a charity of your choice gets $1,000. i couldn’t… Continue reading change something: the lives of people with mental illness
blessings on 9/11
god bless the rain, and the storm clouds that bring it. god bless the music, and the voices that sing it. god bless the ones who sing everything wrong. god bless the creatures who do not belong. god bless the hearts and the souls who are grieving for those who have left, and for those… Continue reading blessings on 9/11
would you like a hug?
“would you like a hug? it’s free hug day today!” we must have said that at least 500 times today. and hugged at least 100 people. seniors, children, big people, small people, shy people, exuberant people, vancouverites and vacationers, sweating people and people in their sweaters. we hugged ’em all. yes, we joined the free… Continue reading would you like a hug?