the helping hand

the helping hand - bloggers helping each otheri am way, way, way, waaaaay overdue in passing along sojourner’s helping hand emblem to others. first of all, sojourner, you honour me with this. one of the reasons why i am so passionate about blogging is that i believe we are truly building a community of the future here. a community of a better world. you and all the other helping handers are actively working on building this world. thank you, thank you, thank you!

the idea behind this emblem is to think of 5 bloggers you consider your blogging helping hand. then you “pay it forward” by extending your helping hand to another 5 bloggers in support and encouragement for their efforts.

i have been helped by many, many bloggers. today, i will just name 6 (sorry, i just have to do it a bit differently : )

  1. hummingbird 604 has been an inspiration from the moment i first met him (yes, i still remember that evening in january 2008). enthusiastic, helpful, terribly smart, and the generous co-organizer of our mental health camp
  2. everyone needs therapy is simply the best therapist in blogtown! there is so much i can learn from her.
  3. liz strauss is the grande dame of social media. her generosity, creativity and deep understanding of human nature continue to lift me up.
  4. netchick brings social media to life here in vancouver. her online meet and greets and question and answer games are light and fun and connect people in a really easy-going way.
  5. wellbeing and health is probably my most frequent commenter. his comments are always not only thoughtful but thought-provoking. my blog would be empoverished without him.

and here are some bloggers to whom i would like to send encouragement. in keeping with our main theme right now – remember, this is change therapy’s eating disorders week month spring – they all blog about eating disorders and haven’t been blogging that long. i’ve never met them before but i’d like to extend a greeting to them:

keep going, you’re doing awesome work!

  1. inside i’m still dancing
  3. recovery from bulimia. maybe
  4. just for today in OA
  5. losing waist!
  6. body image council

if you’d like to pass on the emblem of the helping hand, sojourner asks you to do this:

1. select 10 bloggers: 5 you consider your blogging helping hand then “pay it forward” by extending your “helping hand” to 5 additional bloggers in support and encouragement for their efforts.

2. in passing on the emblem, each recipient must provide the name of blog or blog author with a link for others to visit. each recipient must show the emblem and put the name and link to the blog that has given it to her or him.

3. link the emblem to this post: helping hand: much obliged and paying it forward so that others will know its origin and impetus.

4. if you have not already done so, show your recipients some love by adding them to your blog roll, technorati favorite list, or in any other way to further let them know that their blog voice is important to you and being heard.

5. add your name to the helping hand meme and don’t forget to leave a comment as a permanent record of all helping hand recipients.

6. display the rules.

and here is the list of those who are part of the helping hand community so far.

1. black woman blow the trumpet
2. hagar’s daughter
3. yobachi
4. vanessa
5. shiela
6. sj p
7. mimi lenox
8. danielle vyas
9. rawdawgbuffalo
10. janet shan
11. c.s. stone
12. amy- happy momma
13. mac daddy
14. clnmike
15. keith
16. dee
17. s ha e- s ha e
18. roschelle
19. isabella mori from change therapy
20. villager
21. marvalus
22. revvy rev
23. uglyblackjohn@ att. net
24. running mom
25. pjazzypar
26. miles per hour
27. sista gp
28. kim (bk86queen)
29. sylvia washington
30. shawn williams (dallas south)
31. sharon brumfield
32. regina
33. mista jaycee
34. jessie
35. denise
36. [ fung’ ke] [blak] [chik]
37. donetta at a life uncommon( medical provision)
38. tracy @ thirsty for him
39. keith
40. gail w.
41. mizrepresent
42. alicia benjamin
43. irene@ the green greek
44. alex
45. jennie
46. hagar’s daughter (1/ 5/ 09)
47. allison @ simple christian living
48. curvy gurl
49. lorna
50. jodi
51. larie
52. vikki @ molding a lump of clay
53. maria wilson
54. jennifer
55. whiteshadow
56. christina
57. believer 1964
58. curious
59. silverhartgirl
60. angel
61. darla

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