some notes on love from deepak chopra’s ageless body, timeless mind:
- passion and commitment, love and dedication, self-worth and fulfillment – all are born in Being; they are qualities of the essential self that blossoms when you are free from narrow attachments
- moments of nonattachment are characterized by perceiving the inner world as an open space with no boundaries; self-acceptance flows out into the environment. things “out there” seem intimate, an extension of self
- this experience of unity is a good working definition of love
- mostly, love appears as a feeling but the essence of love is not feeling – it is a state of being you need to find an outlet for your love. the more openly you experience love, the closer you will come to finding its essence
- follow your bliss! bliss is the tingling rush of love in action
- do not confuse immediate pleasure with love; love brings pleasure but in a profound way
- love has depth after depth
- love is the surest way back to Being
- the force of love changes reality by changing the perceiver
- harvard psychologist david mclelland looked at the physiology of love. physiologically measured love (rather than the thought of being “in love”) reveals “themes of dialogue, commitment, and harmony” rather than themes of “getting” something through love
- when two people use their love for each other as a doorway into timeless love, the death of the loved one does not close the door to or deprive the other of the flow of love
- use love as your mirror of the timeless; let it nurture your certainty that you are beyond change, beyond the memory of yesterday and the dream of tomorrow
- come out of the circle of time and find yourself in the circle of love
image by my friend tojosan