carnival of eating disorders #11

welcome to the november 30, 2007 edition of carnival of eating disorders. i see this carnival as serving two purposes: one, as a concert of the voices who live with eating disorders – as people personally affected by them, as friends and loved ones, as professionals. the other purpose is to educate people who do… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #11

a buddhist carnival – 1st edition!

this is really exciting – our first buddhist carnival! the plan is for this carnival to feature first and foremost articles that directly and specifically talk about buddhist practice, reflection and ideas. however, there will also be room for posts that may not explicitly mention buddhism but touch on concepts intrinsic to it. as adam… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – 1st edition!

a buddhist carnival

let’s start a buddhist carnival! blog carnivals, as many of you know, are readers’ digests of blog posts on specific topics. if you’ve been to this blog before, you probably know that this blog here hosts the carnival of eating disorders, and occasionally guest hosts the carnival of healing. apparently i can’t get enough of… Continue reading a buddhist carnival