okay, last day today for stepping in hootin’ annie’s footsteps of giving out hallowe’en treats to strangers. there’s just a few more left in the bag. today i’m giving out link treats to bloggers who have written about the history of slavery in louisiana. give me a few days and i’ll explain why. in the… Continue reading the last hallowe’en treats – going to louisiana
Tag: bloggers
hallowe’en treats for my neighbours
here i am, still copying hootin’ annie’s, giving out hallowe’en treats for all of this week. still lots left over, guys, i can’t handle all that sweet stuff, you gotta help me! today’s “strangers” are people who’ve written about my neighbourhood – fraser street. here are your link love treats! ursa minor: bear 604 doug’s… Continue reading hallowe’en treats for my neighbours
more hallowe’en treats
hootin’ annie’s, i’m still at it – handing out hallowe’en treats right into november. i better keep my word – i said i’d do this for the rest of the week! the “strangers” who will receive treats today are totally and completely random. i’ll go to google search and hand out link treats to the… Continue reading more hallowe’en treats
hallowe’en treats
following in hootin’ annie’s scary footsteps, i promised i’d hand out hallowe’en link treats to strangers this week. here are some bloggers who’ve knocked on my door lately who i had never met before. i found them through stumbleupon, one of my favourite internet toys. life in the fast lane (oh! she’s canadian! cool! lots… Continue reading hallowe’en treats
link love, relationships – and a treat
so much of blogging is about building relationships, and sometimes even friendships. and ideally, it’s not just about using relationships to further the blog; it’s about furthering relationships. maybe blogging can help us do that, can help us learn a bit about relationships. take this: linkfarming, linkbait, link begging and, urgh, link whoring. these words… Continue reading link love, relationships – and a treat
one of my favourite sayings is, “acceptance is the key.” it’s something that can be misinterpreted as fatalism, as acting like a doormat. but that’s now how it works. acceptance is saying, “ok, this is what is. this is what presents itself. let’s deal with that, rather than denying what’s going on or deluding myself.”… Continue reading acceptance
walking the talk, with balance
there was a bit of a flurry of emails today over a project dio diogenes is working on. some of these emails weren’t exceedingly friendly – but one stood out in its civility and straightfordwardness. so of course i had to immediately go and check that person out. it turned out to be lisa gates,… Continue reading walking the talk, with balance