this is an interview with m. a bit more serious. you just never know. i: now i will interview you, m. m: now i’m in trouble! i: (looks at m) m: what are you interviewing me about? j: men. m: men? oh, heavens! g: religion! there’s a good one! i: what shall it be? men… Continue reading blogathon: about the church, again
Tag: churches
blogathon: mental health support in churches
in my announcement of this blogathon last week, i mentioned marja bergen, the founder of the living room, a church-based support group for people with mood disorders. let me give you a few excerpts from her new book, a firm place to stand, where she describes the birth of the living room. marja’s experience stands… Continue reading blogathon: mental health support in churches
blogathon: leaving a cult
this is an entry for my participation in the 2008 blogathon, a 24-hour marathon of blogging. please support the cause and donate – however much, however little – to the canadian mental health association (vancouver/burnaby branch). to donate, email me or use this URL: you should be able to get there by clicking the… Continue reading blogathon: leaving a cult