mental health week: alcohol and epilepsy

today for my post on mental health, i’d like to share with you a letter i received a few days ago from a fellow canadian. while it is about the mental illness of addiction, i’d also like to think about it as a move towards mental wellness; wellness achieved by sharing our stories with others.… Continue reading mental health week: alcohol and epilepsy

vancouver events at this year’s mental health week

this week is national mental health week in canada. like last year, i’ll dedicate all my posts this week to mental health. (in a way, all my posts are about mental health but this week we’ll just be a bit more explicit, ok?) today a roundup of mental health events happening in and around vancouver… Continue reading vancouver events at this year’s mental health week

frozen pea post: a beltane blessing

yesterday was beltane, one of the two most important holidays in pagan traditions.just as hallowe’en marks the time when we slip into the darkness of winter, on beltane we celebrate opening the door to the joys and exuberance of summer. i’d like to dedicate this beltane to all women with breast cancer. i imagine an… Continue reading frozen pea post: a beltane blessing