welcome, friends, to january’s edition of a buddhist carnival. like last time, i’ll divide it into two parts, just to make it a bit easier to read.
let’s start with fellow therapist wayne c. allen, who talks about non-duality at the phoenix centre blog.
non-duality … is about loosening one’s grip on “one note being”. life becomes a dance. you notice that you are judging, labelling, boxing things up, and you have a breath and let go of the definitions. in this letting go process, your experience expands, and you see that whatever is going on has many aspects, all equally true.
chris from martial development has more on non-duality. the non-dual perspective on subjective reality shows how one can look at the law of attraction from the buddhist (and hindu) viewpoint of advaita or non-duality. oh, and you might find his link to the video concentrate with xzibit and team ryouko interesting (or amusing, or weird, or even offensive, depending on your level of interest/tolerance for rap).
a surprise was praveen’s article. when i first saw the title, i thought it was one of those submissions that have nothing to do with buddhism (i get quite a few of those). but then … well, see for yourself: the tao of simplicity: speed golf.
ken nubo, on the other hand, takes the opposite track. instead of running with golf balls, he stares at clouds:
i’m sitting here next to the large window and just staring off into the clouds while playing some traditional japanese music. it’s relaxing.
i think it’s a healthy way just to sit for a day and stare at the clouds. and daydream.
let’s allow those clouds to carry us to wayne, who talks about a random enjoyable reading – the book gay-neck, a classic children’s story about a boy, a pigeon, and the wisdom of lamas. wayne gives us this truly inspiring quote from the book:
think and feel love so that you will be able to pour out of yourself peace and serenity as naturally as a flower gives forth fragrance.
these are our featured articles for part 1. two more little tidbits – posts that are definitely interesting but not directly about buddhism: personal development guru steve pavlina talks about one of his passions in why vegan? and charles h. green gives us a better new years resolution redux at his blog with the great name trust matters.
i’ll serve up the second part of this carnival some time during this week. for tomorrow, i have plans on a bit of a twist onĀ wordless wednesday.
in the meantime, if you have a post about buddhism, please submit it here for the next carnival, scheduled for february 15.