the last two frozen pea friday entries were a bit more introspective and heavy. today’s post is heavy, too, but only on science. i wanted to see what solutions health psychologists are looking at in terms of frequently occurring problems for cancer patients,e.g. how to talk about cancer, how cancer impacts family life, cancer and… Continue reading cancer: families, communication, self-development, fatigue
Results for "journaling"
change and transformation
how does change occur? this is what nancy asked on her blog a few days ago. a money coach, she was confronted with a client who wanted to get some assurance that, were she to use nancy’s services, change would indeed happen. lots has been thought and written about this topic. three people who have… Continue reading change and transformation
7 ways to use writing for healing
yesterday i talked about the book writing yourself home. as i mentioned, it uses excerpts from women’s writings – some well-known, some not – to illustrate how we can use writing and journaling as a way of healing and self-discovery. here is one that i found interesting, about “matrophobia”, by ellen amber from her work… Continue reading 7 ways to use writing for healing
writing. books. synchronicity.
sometimes, life plonks you right in the middle of a coincidence. smack! there you are. or not. maybe it’s synchronicity. here’s a little example. my dear friend haedy gave me a book for my birthday: in buddha’s kitchen: cooking, being cooked, and other adventures in a meditation center. a wonderful confluence of goodness already: haedy… Continue reading writing. books. synchronicity.
stress and writing
a guest article by alex i don’t write when i’m stressed because my thoughts become unclear and nothing i write sounds good to me. it seems that all my thoughts are mush and there is no direction, so i stop. the thing about that is that if i focused on the issue which is that… Continue reading stress and writing
fear of flying
three years ago, coming back from a stressful visit to germany, i experienced the most terrifying nine hours of my life. i had an intense attack of fear of flying, the culmination of increasing unease i had experienced over the last few years whenever i was in a plane. last week, i was in an… Continue reading fear of flying
carnival of eating disorders #6
welcome to this month’s edition of carnival of eating disorders! let’s jump right into it: at k-l masina, kara-leah wrote a post, mission: physical manifestation overhaul – intro where she and jeff lilly embark on a collaborative blog series to investigate the underlying energetic causes of jeff’s physical manifestation (i.e. body). their mission is to… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #6
using your negative voice
in a recent post about journaling for healing, louise de salvo recommended not to use journaling in order to complain. in principle, i would agree but i think there is some value in kvetching, as long as it’s done consciously and it’s not the only thing that finds its way into your journal. i think… Continue reading using your negative voice
recovering from anorexia: 10 activities
what do people do when they start on their recovery from anorexia? here is a list of ten things that those who deal with this eating disorder mention most frequently. these are activities that they themselves decide on. that’s important to keep in mind. if i were to say to one of my clients, “jo,… Continue reading recovering from anorexia: 10 activities
women, therapy and blogging
a few interesting thoughts on women and blogging: Writing, as a form of therapy, is as old as ink itself. Universally understood as a transformative process, the simple act of putting pen to page can effectively jump start personal growth and healing. Over the years I’ve had more than a handful of sessions on a… Continue reading women, therapy and blogging