speaking the truth

you are reading an article about truth right now. at this moment, your eyes are working sufficiently to be able to read this article, which is written in lower case, and involves a quote by nietzsche. in the alternative, you are listening to an audio program that is translating these words into voice, or someone… Continue reading speaking the truth

free-form writing frenzy #5: truth. epistemology.

elizabeth’s writing prompt #5 my quirks and errors are part of my truth. truth. such a harsh mistress. in order to know my truth, i have to know myself. like anyone else, i have i don’t know how many bones, i don’t know how many muscles, i don’t know how many kilometres of gut, hair… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #5: truth. epistemology.

dr. joe capista on: concepts of god

okay, this is the third and last instalment of my review of dr. joe capista’s book what can a dentist teach you about business, life and success?. we’re looking at dr. capista’s reflections on spirituality. so far, we’ve learned about being committed to going on retreats, and studying sacred text together with others. today, ideas… Continue reading dr. joe capista on: concepts of god