twitter peace, shalom, salaam, and the salvation army

at the end of my day, i often ask myself, what was the theme for today? on this day, january 11, it was peace. with all the things that are happening in gaza right now, it was sad. and yet it was good. i am so grateful for all the good friends here on twitter… Continue reading twitter peace, shalom, salaam, and the salvation army

a solution for “but”

this morning i posted this on twitter: question to my buddhist friends: fear of connecting deeply with dharma/the divine = fear of ego death? william replied in a blog post, ego and the self. he has some interesting thoughts there that i encourage you to explore, and finishes thusly: the more we meditate and practice… Continue reading a solution for “but”

social media mega project wrapup: twitter

two months ago, vivien at inspirationbit started the social media mega project. we are trying to create a place where all the social media wisdom is gathered together. my job was to gather blog posts on twitter. there are two social media tools that i feel quite passionate about. stumbleupon is one of them; the… Continue reading social media mega project wrapup: twitter

social media megaproject: twitter

good monday, everyone! many of you know how much i like twitter, the social media site. (if you’ve never been there, go visit here; if you’re looking for me there, you can find me here.) that’s why i’m really happy to be one of the hosts in my friend vivien’s social media mega project over… Continue reading social media megaproject: twitter

compassion and social media

the three wise men the three monks are inviting us to write about compassion. compassion: literally, to suffer (passion) with (com-) another. in latin, this suffering did not only refer to the suffering that occurs in pain, it also generally refers to things that we don’t actively instigate – things that happen to us, things… Continue reading compassion and social media