4 questions to help men who binge

yesterday, i was talking about the issues faced by men who are dealing with binge eating disorder. this was a follow-up on the promise i had made to talk about men and obesity quite a while ago. before i continue on this topic, let me make it clear that obesity is not always a result… Continue reading 4 questions to help men who binge

men and obesity

finally, here is the long-promised post on the topic of men and obesity. the U.S. national eating disorders association mentions a number of behaviours, physical problems and emotions experienced by men with binge eating disorder. let’s look at a few of them. behavioral characteristics: hoarding food hiding food and eating in secret; e.g., eating alone… Continue reading men and obesity

is overeating a problem for you? 22 questions to help you find an answer.

it’s january 29, and you’ve had a hand at trying your new years resolutions. i sincerely hope they’re going well. one of the three most common new years resolutions concerns dieting or just generally changing the way you eat. if that something you’ve decided to do and it’s going well, good for you. if dieting… Continue reading is overeating a problem for you? 22 questions to help you find an answer.

mental illness and violence

most people have little reason to fear violence from people with mental illness, even in its most severe forms. historically, in the 1950s, mental illness carried great social stigma, especially linked with fear of unpredictable and violent behaviour. while there is greater public understanding of mental illness nowadays, paradoxically, the perception of people with psychosis… Continue reading mental illness and violence

carnival of eating disorders #10

welcome to this month’s carnival of eating disorders, a reader’s digest of blog posts about mental health issues related to problems such as anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, binge eating disorder, food addiction, exercise anorexia, as well as body image. parents and anorexia let’s start with a very controversial issue: pro-anorexia mothers. ex-model, ex-anorexic “mamavision” refers to… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #10

another driving meditation: krishnamurti, radio and distractions

driving home from my workout this morning, i turned on the radio. oh yeah, that piece on the guy with PTSD who raped a girl, and the civic strike, and someone got stabbed overnight, and … “hey, stop!” i said to myself, “wasn’t i going to do a driving meditation?” “but i want to hear… Continue reading another driving meditation: krishnamurti, radio and distractions

alternative approaches to dealing with mental health

at our vancouver bloggers’ meetup last time, pete quily of adult ADD strengths asked me an interesting question: “what are the topics that would naturally come up in the course of your work that you’re not discussing much on your blog?” it’s a question i’ve been thinking about ever since, and i’ve been working on… Continue reading alternative approaches to dealing with mental health

food addiction: another case of “duh” science

ok, time for another rant. looks like i can’t speak gently on this. sorry, buddha. this article in UStoday had me alternatively laughing out loud, rolling my eyes and frowning. obesity has long been blamed on weak willpower, overeating, genetics and lack of exercise. now scientists increasingly are seeing signs that suggest there may be… Continue reading food addiction: another case of “duh” science