today i had the honour of moderating the weekly mental health and social media chat (“#mhsm”) on twitter. these are always such interesting conversations! our topic today was “creativity and the arts”. here is a slightly abridged transcript: moritherapy: welcome to the weekly #mhsm chat about #mentalhealth and social media. today’s topic: creativity and the… Continue reading creativity and mental health – a twitter chat
Category: depression and mental illness
join us for a mental health breakfast!
Speaking Out for Recovery Mental Health Voices 2010 CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION – VANCOUVER-BURNABY BRANCH Please join us at our 2010 Mental Health Voices Breakfast Fundraiser An Exactly 1 Hour Fundraising Event With Complimentary Continental Breakfast Thursday, October 14th, 2010 7:30am – 8:30am Board Room of Fasken Martineau Dumoulin LLP 2900 – 550 Burrard Street,… Continue reading join us for a mental health breakfast!
tweeting against suicide
in preparation for world suicide prevention today, i listened to some tweets. and then I listened to my heart’s response and wrote it down: spread the word, save lives, get people talking! yes, let’s TALK about it! who can YOU talk to about this today? and not just on world suicide prevention day. today is… Continue reading tweeting against suicide
suicide prevention
when i was young, i thought for a long time that suicide was a normal, commonplace way for a person’s life to end. it was probably the most frequent cause of death i was familiar from friends and family. my earlier assessment was correct, at least partly – for example, among young men, suicide ranks… Continue reading suicide prevention
schizophrenia, involuntary admission and family members
the following is a press release from vancouver’s north shore schizophrenia society. since no-one seems to have picked it up yet, i’m publishing it here. it addresses the important question of when involuntary admission for serious mental illness is applicable, and the involvement of family members. vancouver coastal, in a review of the death by… Continue reading schizophrenia, involuntary admission and family members
organizational leadership, empowerment and sustainable peace
i am still intrigued by the question of the relationship between work, mental health and peace. it is interesting that this relationship is hardly ever explored, not even the relationship between the workplace and peace. however, here and there i find a little nugget. one of them is giving peace a chance: organizational leadership, empowerment,… Continue reading organizational leadership, empowerment and sustainable peace
mental health, addiction and self medication
on tuesday i had the honour of hosting the #mhsm (mental health and social media) chat. that’s a weekly one-hour conversation about mental health on twitter. the topic we discussed was mental health and addictions. it was very lively, and perhaps the biggest topic was self medication, a topic that sprung up within the first… Continue reading mental health, addiction and self medication
chat tomorrow: mental health and addiction
tomorrow night at 6pm PST I will be hosting the weekly #mhsm chat on twitter. #mhsm stands for mental health and social media. #mhsm was started by amy kiel, an ardent mental health activist. the topic of the chat will be mental health and addiction. #mhsm typically uses between 5 and 8 questions to stimulate… Continue reading chat tomorrow: mental health and addiction
links: psychology, morality, social media and dogs
in my long-suffering attempts to organize my internet life better, i’m going to see what it’s like if i post the occasional link article. so here’s a stroll through the links open on august 1, with the first paragraph of each post so that you can get an idea what it’s all about. you may… Continue reading links: psychology, morality, social media and dogs
around the world for mental health
this morning i went to michael schratter’s sendoff on his year-long ride don’t hide bicycle tour around the world to create awareness about mental health. let’s just stop here for a moment and picture this. and then let’s put a finger on how long this is. three hundred sixty five days. eight thousand seven hundred… Continue reading around the world for mental health