thinking differently about success, failure and learning

a few weeks ago i wrote a blog post, the scrunchie challenge, where i felt inspired by a post at monk at work to change a habit. i said i was going to keep a scrunchie on my wrist for three weeks, to remind me to ground myself whenever i wasn’t experiencing my body enough.… Continue reading thinking differently about success, failure and learning

guilt, cheney and guantanamo bay

junebugkitty, one of my stumbleupon friends, had some interesting comments on the topic of guilt that we started discussing here a few days ago. he mentioned the famous milgram experiment, where subjects in a psychological experiment were required to administer electrical shocks to their fellows when told so by an authority. over 50% followed those… Continue reading guilt, cheney and guantanamo bay

my view of human nature

i just stumbled across my term paper of my very first counselling class, 17 years ago. here is what i wrote about my view of human nature. i’m sure i could nip and tuck here and there, and would probably use a slightly different writing style – but generally, most of what i said still… Continue reading my view of human nature

transformation, chaos, and the straw that breaks the camel’s back

last month, i started a little series on change and transformation, inspired by a post by my blogging friend nancy that asked, how does change occur? that time i talked about the precursors of change – the “rumblings”, so to say, that precede an earthquake. aaah, but is it an earthquake? is transformation really about… Continue reading transformation, chaos, and the straw that breaks the camel’s back

learning. seriously.

okay, it’s fall, everyone back to school! dave has tagged me for a meme to develop some classes. here is the first one: (and an apology to my readers for the temporary appearance of this blog. this will change!) confucius on confusion 121 you’ve taken a philosophy course back in … when was it again… Continue reading learning. seriously.

PTSD and restorative justice

scott from finding your marbles just sent me an email wondering about my thoughts on the development of this story about PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) as grounds for acquittal. a groundbreaking ruling that found a former soldier not criminally responsible for a sex assault he admitted to committing was overturned by the manitoba court… Continue reading PTSD and restorative justice